July 6, 2022

Today I made my husband’s lunch at 5 am. I read my Bible on the porch swing, then tidied the house and started the laundry. I played with my daughter, read to her, and we took a walk to the library and Post Office- where a surprise package was waiting for her: a sunhat from a friend.

I made calls about bills, worked on our monthly budget, scooped chocolate chip cookies and baked bread, which was probably not the best idea on a 90* day with no AC…but we needed bread for sandwiches and cookies for lunches so….

In between feeding and diapers, playing and chatting with my little one, there was lunch, dishes, sweeping the floor, and folding laundry. Then the bathroom received a good cleaning, complete with hand washing the floors, but only taking 15 minutes start to finish (I have to remind myself how quickly these types of chores can get done), before I started working on baby shower thank you cards, starting supper (Wednesdays are always breakfast-for-supper days), taking the dog for a walk, and then cutting my husband’s hair on the front porch.

We watched Andy Griffith and I did Sudoku puzzles before we went to bed with the sun.

I love summer days spent at home.

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